The Garden of Gethsemane
The Bible says that Jesus told his disciples,
"My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me." (Matthew 26:38)
Yet, they fell asleep. Even when Jesus told them how grieved He was! His earthly friends! His best friends were not there for Him in His hour of pain and struggle. And guess who betrayed Him? One of His best friends. Can you imagine? Oh, I start to cry when I think about the pain He went though. Jesus didn't only suffer physically but He suffered emotionally too. Sometimes pain is easier to bare when you know someone's right there with you. But His friends were not. Jesus not only was alone, "earthly" speaking, but He went through a time where He was separated from God as well. What sacrifices Jesus made!
My feelings of loneliness are not all that bad because I know I have God. A God who is right there caring for me and working out His perfect will in my life, for my good and His glory (Romans 8:28). I do not even want to imagine not having Him.
Talk about a point of despair and pain. Jesus went through all that so that we could have communion with Him on earth and live eternally with Him in Heaven. Jesus knows what it is like to be completely alone. He understands more than we will ever know. He's been through the pain of rejection, and having no one care, and yet His love for us was/is stronger than His own personal comfort. He sacrificed so much.
You are never alone without someone who cares and understands.
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